LINE Official Account Guide: Setup Process and Basic Functions

The LINE Official Account is designed specifically for businesses and brands, offering a range of commercial functions and customization options. In regions such as Taiwan, Japan, and Southeast Asia, LINE has a larger user base and broader influence compared to other social media platforms, with 90% of people in Taiwan and Thailand using LINE. Additionally, LINE Official Accounts support various marketing tools, including ad placement, push notifications, and data analytics, helping businesses to target their marketing strategies and decisions more effectively. LINE also provides a variety of features such as online reservations, meal ordering, bill checking, and exclusive coupons to serve customers comprehensively.


Detailed Introduction to LINE Official Accounts

Different Types of Verified Accounts

LINE Official Accounts come in three types: General (gray shield), Verified (blue shield), and Corporate (green shield), with the following differences:

Note: The shield certification does not significantly affect the actual functionality and operation of the software.

Type General Account Verified Account Corporate Account
Shield Color Gray Blue Green
Eligibility Anyone/Business/Enterprise/Organization Businesses/Enterprises/Organizations that pass verification Large-scale Businesses/Enterprises/Organizations
Verification Method No verification required Submit documents for review Invitation by LINE


Custom ID

After registering a LINE account, the official system generates a random ID for each account. These IDs are usually random strings, not conducive to customer searches. To obtain a custom ID, a fee is required.

Type General ID e.g., @1230kkhc Custom ID (Android/PC users) Custom ID (iOS users)
Annual Fee Free NT$ 720 (tax excluded) NT$ 1038 (tax excluded)
Format / @ + user-specified text (4-18 characters, supports half-width characters such as '.', '-', '_') /
Remarks / Cannot use an ID already in use by an existing account  


Message Charges

If your corporate account sends a lot of messages, consider purchasing a message package. The free version includes 200 free messages; exceeding that requires a package purchase. Plans include light, medium, and heavy usage options.

Note: "Yuan" here refers to New Taiwan dollars, not Renminbi.

To change plans, you must wait until after the payment for the second month is completed.


Registration Steps for LINE Official Accounts

  1. Log in to LINE and click on [Free Account Creation] in the top right corner.
  2. Click on [Create Account].
  3. You can choose to register with LINE or with an email account.
  4. Clicking on LINE account registration will redirect you to LINE's login page; registering with an email account requires you to register your email, and LINE official will send a verification email to log in and register.
  5. Fill in the required information and submit to complete registration.


Functions of LINE Official Accounts


The auto-reply feature can handle some basic customer inquiries, relieving pressure on human customer service. To set up auto-reply on LINE, simply go to [Auto Response Message] on the homepage and fill in the content based on specific Q&A needs.

However, note that the official system can only set up to five auto-reply messages. For more auto-reply content, SaleSmartly can be used. The system can set different processes based on triggers such as customer type, behavior, unresponded timeouts, and customer source, and then select triggered actions such as sending private messages, emails, quick button redirections, invitation to review, promotional cards, etc. Triggers can be added based on customer language, timezone, source, attributes, etc.


Mass Messaging

When there are store events, mass messaging is the fastest way to notify every customer. To operate LINE's mass messaging feature, simply find [Mass Messaging Function] on the homepage. LINE provides 200 mass messaging credits per month.

If you need to send more than 200 mass messages in a month, use SaleSmartly for mass messaging. You can filter different customers from the list according to your needs for targeted mass messaging, and it supports text, images, videos, and audio formats.


Carousel Messages

Carousel messages are a slide-show style message format that allows displaying up to 9 images at once, each with a specific link that directly jumps to the related website, reducing the steps for customer engagement. This method not only visually delivers key points to customers but also facilitates their ordering and purchasing.



Using LINE to distribute coupons can quickly reach a large number of users, increasing coupon usage and brand exposure. Plus, it's convenient for users to claim and share coupons through LINE, enhancing customer stickiness and interactivity.

For small events, you can also set up coupon lotteries directly on LINE to add fun.


Common Questions

What are the different functions and permissions of LINE Official Accounts compared to personal accounts?

LINE Official Accounts offer more business functions and management permissions compared to personal accounts. For instance, official accounts can send mass messages to all followers, set various auto-replies, use rich data analytics tools, create advertising campaigns, and access a professional account management backend. These features are designed to help businesses better manage customer relations and promotional activities.

How to interact with users through a LINE Official Account?

You can interact with users by sending messages, pictures, videos, stickers, etc. You can also use the auto-reply feature to respond to common user inquiries or set up keyword-triggered automatic messages to increase interaction efficiency. Additionally, engaging users through activities and offering coupons can also increase participation.

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Last modified: 2024-05-09Powered by