Aecendant Success Story: How to effectively utilize Facebook homepages with permanently limited advertising functions?

Author: Sicily Choi

For small and medium-sized cross-border business operation companies like Aecendant, efficient management is very important. However, they often face large-scale, simple, and repetitive tasks. They don't want to waste too much human resources to handle them, so automated marketing has become their company's top priority. Today, let's take a deeper look at how Aecendant uses SaleSmartly to handle some chat business in large quantities.

"Using SaleSmartly has helped our company handle a large amount of business and greatly reduced our response time. It is no exaggeration to say that it has helped us solve 40% of our consulting workload! " said Aiden, the manager of Aecendant's agency operations.

Aecendant has faced significant challenges in the recent past

According to research data, as of the second quarter of 2022, Facebook has approximately 2.93 billion monthly active users, making it the world's most popular online platform. Therefore, many cross-border e-commerce sellers are trying their best to join in the marketing and promotion of their products.

In order to prevent bad businesses from deceiving consumers, Facebook has launched a strict review system. Once the system detects illegal content or problems with the account, the account will be blocked, BM will be blocked, and the use of public page advertising functions will be restricted.

Aecendan helps many companies operate Facebook accounts. Unfortunately, the system detected multiple violations. After unsuccessful appeals, a large number of accounts were even permanently restricted from using advertising functions, and the company received complaints from a large number of customers.

Aiden, the account manager, is also very troubled by these accounts that are permanently restricted from advertising. The fans and traffic accumulated by these accounts are the result of hard work for a while, and the account with the most fans is close to 100,000! It is a pity to give up and build an account from scratch, but the permanent restriction of the account's advertising function also means that no new traffic will be introduced.

How SaleSmartly Provides a Solution

1. Connect to Facebook homepage and synchronize historical valid contacts

Bind a large number of Facebook homepages with permanently restricted advertising functions, synchronize valid historical contact groups, send messages in batches, and guide fans to your own stable private domain.

2. Configure robots to efficiently handle conversations

The human touch is still important in customer service because people want to feel valued and understood, and sometimes that’s not something a chatbot can provide. However, a chatbot can be a valuable partner to take over simple and repetitive tasks, such as asking screening questions to understand customer intent and answering common questions. SaleSmartly now lets you build your own chatbot, build custom, automated customer journeys on SaleSmartly , and pass complex issues to human agents smoothly and seamlessly.

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Last modified: 2024-04-26Powered by