WhatsApp anti-blocking (Part 5): Obtaining user permission

According to WhatsApp's business policy, businesses must first obtain permission from users before they can actively send messages to customers outside the 24-hour period. The reason why WhatsApp sets such a rule is mainly to ensure the user experience. After all, no one wants to receive a large number of promotional messages that they are not interested in.

If users receive messages from businesses that they did not choose to receive, they may block or report the business. These user feedback signals will affect the merchant's number quality score, and the official will limit the number of messages sent to merchants with too low quality scores over a period of time.

If you receive too many blocks and reports, your account is likely to be blocked, so if you want to ensure that your account is in normal status, you need to obtain the user's permission in advance. Next, we will tell you how to obtain the user's subscription permission.

Comply with requirements

To obtain the user's subscription permission, you can use a variety of methods both inside and outside of WhatsApp, but you must follow the following requirements when obtaining the user's permission to receive messages:

·Must clearly state that the user has opted in to receive messages from the business through WhatsApp·Must clearly state the name of the business from which the user has opted in·Must comply with applicable laws

Method for obtaining user's permission to receive messages

As long as the method for obtaining the user's permission to receive messages meets the above requirements, it will also comply with the relevant policies. The following are examples of methods that can be used to obtain the user's permission to receive messages:

· SMS · Website · WhatsApp session · By phone (using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) process)
In person or in writing (customers can opt in to receive messages by signing a physical document)

We strongly recommend that you optimize the user experience when designing the process of obtaining user permission to receive messages.

Useful tips

Merchants should continuously optimize the user experience when obtaining user permission to receive messages. For example, merchants should:

1. Be clear about the messages users want to receive.

Get the types of messages that users have chosen to receive, including the different message categories you can send (e.g., order updates, related services, product recommendations, etc.). Get opt-in permissions for each user by specific message category. This reduces the risk of users blocking your business due to unwanted messages.

2. Provide clear instructions

Tell users how they can opt out of receiving certain categories of messages, and respect those requests.

3. Clarify the process

Make sure the process for users to opt in and opt out of receiving messages is clear and intuitive.

Promoting high-quality conversations between users and businesses remains WhatsApp's top priority. To successfully develop your business on WhatsApp, you need to provide customers with a good experience and obtain a high number quality score. In the next article, we will tell you how to monitor the number quality score. Please continue to pay attention to our official account.

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Last modified: 2024-05-09Powered by