WhatsApp anti-blocking (I): Product and content compliance

According to reports, WhatsApp 's active users account for a quarter of the world's population, and it ranks first in the global social media popularity ranking. Due to its large number of users and easy dissemination, WhatsApp has become a favorable channel for cross-border e-commerce brands to develop their business.

However, many people have encountered the same problem when using WhatsApp for customer mining and management - account blocking. There are many reasons for account blocking. We will explain the possible reasons for account blocking in multiple articles. Avoiding these reasons can save you the trouble of account blocking.

The most direct and fundamental reason for WhatsApp account blocking is non-compliance of products or content. When you sell or provide services on WhatsApp, all messages, prices, descriptions, etc. related to your products and services are considered transactions. These transactions must not involve the following content. If you touch upon it, your account will be blocked directly by the authorities. You can read and check carefully to avoid your business being blocked due to the following content .

Drugs and related products

The products you sell may not include illegal, prescription, or recreational drugs, such as narcotics, drug paraphernalia, amoxicillin, cephalosporins, etc.

Tobacco products and paraphernalia

If it is just a clothing product with a tobacco brand logo, it is fine. However, if your product is a cigarette, e-cigarette, cigar, pipe, bong, hookah, etc., it will violate the regulations.

Alcoholic products

Alcohol transactions are also not allowed on WhatsApp, including alcoholic beverages and alcohol production kits. However, you can sell alcohol-related books or DVDs, and alcohol-related items (wine glasses, coolers, wine racks, etc.).

Unsafe Supplements to Take

You may not promote unsafe supplements that are not permitted on WhatsApp, such as anabolic steroids, chitosan, DESA, ephedra, and human growth hormone.

Weapons, ammunition, explosives

Businesses are not allowed to sell weapons, ammunition, explosives and other items that endanger social stability. For example, firearms, firearm parts, fireworks, and Tasers. It should be noted that the sale of paintball guns, pepper spray, and the promotion of gun shows are also not allowed on WhatsApp!


WhatsApp prohibits users from selling live animals and poultry, including their parts (bones, teeth, organs, secretions, etc.). Animal specimens and carcasses are also not allowed to be sold! In addition, any leather, fur, skin, etc. related to cats, dogs, national protected animals, and endangered species are illegal!

However, pet-related supplies (toys, collars, cages, etc.), medical treatment, boarding, adoption, grooming, etc. are all allowed.

Adult products and services

Adult products and services are not allowed to be promoted. However, if the focus is on promoting family planning products with contraceptive functions, it is allowed. It should be noted that the advertising must be targeted at audiences over 18 years old.

Involving body parts and fluids

For example, blood, organs, human tissue, teeth, hair extensions, etc., but blood donation centers are allowed.

Healthcare Products

Companies cannot engage in the trading of health products, including medical devices, smoking cessation products containing nicotine, etc. For example, thermometers, bandages, stents, test kits for medical conditions or diseases, nicotine patches, nicotine gum, etc. Note: contact lenses are also not allowed to be sold!

Real money gambling services

Businesses may not deal in or promote gambling, games of skill or lotteries.

Devices that facilitate unauthorized access to digital media and electronic jamming devices

In simple terms, it means that it is not allowed to sell devices and software that help users infringe on content (video, audio, etc.), as well as devices that interfere with or de-jamming electronic products, and eavesdropping devices.

Digital and Subscription Services

Businesses cannot sell digital content, digital subscriptions or digital accounts. The sale of digital accounts and gaming accounts is also prohibited by WhatsApp.

Real, virtual or fake currency

For example, cash, coins, replicas of currency, prop coins, digital or cryptocurrencies, banknotes, checks, etc.

Third-party infringing products

You may not sell content that infringes or violates the intellectual property rights of a third party. You may not sell counterfeit, imitation, unauthorized or pirated works (including videos, movies, programs, broadcasts, games, music, etc.).

Deceptive, misleading, offensive

Businesses cannot make false claims or sell offers or products that are deceptive, misleading, or offensive. Examples include multi-level marketing, penny auctions, ICOs, and binary options.

Discrimination or encouragement of discrimination

When promoting products, companies must not discriminate or encourage discrimination, including but not limited to race, skin color, gender, family, genetics, or physical condition.

If your products and content comply with WhatsApp's business policy, the following article will tell you which operations may violate WhatsApp's business policy and how to avoid them.

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WhatsApp anti-blocking (Part 2): Compliance with regulations
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Last modified: 2024-05-09Powered by