WhatsApp template message application collection: better reach WhatsApp customers

According to WhatsApp's chat rules, once a user initiates a conversation with us, we can engage in unlimited custom message exchanges within the first 24 hours. And all this counts as just one service session fee.

However, if more than 24 hours have passed and we wish to continue contacting the user, we can only send messages using templates, and WhatsApp will charge accordingly based on the type of message sent.


What are WhatsApp Template Messages?

WhatsApp template messages are Highly Structured Messages (HSM), which are predefined messages categorized into Utility templates, Authentication templates, and Marketing templates. You can refer to the pricing here.

Here's a simple WhatsApp template message example:

Hello {{1}}, thank you for your interest in SaleSmartly! Your project ID is {{2}}.

Where {{1}} and {{2}} are placeholders for variables that can be dynamically replaced with the corresponding information.


When this template is used to send a message to a person named Kenny with the ID #01230:

Hello Kenny, thank you for your interest in SaleSmartly! Your project ID is #01230.

WhatsApp typically reviews and approves each message template within 48 hours. Once approved, you can use it to communicate with customers.


Authentication Templates

Authentication messages are one-time passwords (OTPs), a combination of 4 to 8 letters and numbers used for identity verification during various stages of user login, such as account verification and password reset. Hence, the rules are quite strict.


  • Must use WhatsApp's standard authentication message template.
  • Set up a one-time password action button (for copying the code or one-tap entry).
  • Authentication template content or parameters must not include URLs, multimedia files, or emojis. Parameter length is also limited to 15 characters.


Notification Templates

Notification templates are updates related to the customer's existing orders or accounts, such as confirmations, suspensions, or transaction changes.


Marketing Templates

Marketing templates have a broader definition, encompassing any template that mixes notification with marketing content. These may include promotions, welcome messages, thank-yous, content feature updates, etc.


Rules for Creating WhatsApp Templates

  1. Character limit is 1024, allowing letters, numbers, emojis. No newlines, tabs, or more than four consecutive spaces. For image-containing templates, videos...
  2. Use this format for variables: {{#}}. # represents the content of the variable.
  3. When sending media message templates to contacts (including images, videos, and documents), ensure your media size meets platform limitations. Note: Only PDF documents are supported when uploading documents in message templates.


Example WhatsApp Account Message Templates (For Reference Only)

All templates are provided by WhatsApp Official

  • Text Templates


  • Image Templates


  • Video Templates


  • Document Templates


  • Interactive Text Templates
    Interactive dialogues with multiple reply options. Set questions and answer options in the template, allowing users to interact with your business by selecting one.


  • Interactive Media Templates
    Message templates that combine media content with interactive elements. Can include images, videos, or audio, used alongside interactive elements like buttons, links, etc.


How to Apply for WhatsApp Template Messages

Open SaleSmartly, add your template under [Mass Plan] – [WhatsApp API Template]. Once the template is approved, you can send messages directly to customers through the system.


Post-Application Template Status

  • Under Review: The template is still being reviewed. The review can take up to 24 hours.
  • Not Approved: The template failed the review process or violated one or more of our policies. See appeals.
  • Enabled - Quality Pending: No customer feedback or read rate information on the message template quality yet. You can send this status template to customers. See quality rating.
  • Enabled - High Quality: Almost no or no negative feedback from customers on the template. You can send this status template to customers. See quality rating.
  • Enabled - Medium Quality: Negative feedback or low read rate information received from multiple customers, template status may soon be suspended or disabled. You can send this status template to customers. See quality rating.
  • Enabled - Low Quality: Negative feedback or low read rate information received from multiple customers. You can send this status template to customers, but it faces the risk of being suspended or disabled soon, so it's recommended to address the issues reported by customers as soon as possible. See quality rating.
  • Suspended: Template suspended due to negative feedback or low read rate from customers. You cannot send this status template to customers. See template suspension.
  • Disabled: Template disabled due to negative feedback from customers. You cannot send this status template to customers.
  • Appeal Requested: An appeal has been requested. See appeals.


Common Reasons for Non-Approval (For Reference Only)

  • Missing variable parameters or mismatched curly braces used.
  • Variable parameters include special characters, such as , or .
  • Variable parameters are not continuous.
  • The content of the message template violates WhatsApp's commerce policy; all transactions must follow WhatsApp commerce policy.
  • The content of the message template violates WhatsApp's Business policy: Do not request sensitive identification information from users.
  • Content contains abusive or threatening material.
  • The message template duplicates an existing one.
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Last modified: 2024-09-20Powered by