Is your Telegram account blocked? This tutorial can help you

When you open Telegram and suddenly see the message "This phone number is banned"?

Whether it's on the Telegram mobile app or the PC version, did you get logged out automatically?

Don't panic if this happens! Here are four ways to appeal to Telegram's official team. Hopefully, they can help you successfully recover your Telegram account.

(The assumption is that you have not violated the rules severely. If that's the case, you might as well register with a new number.)


Materials Needed for an Appeal

Account Details

Make sure to provide complete and accurate account information, including your Telegram username, phone number, and email address.


Account Status

Check when your account was banned and try to identify any actions that took place around that time, which can help us better understand the reason for the ban.


Communication Screenshots

If you aim for a successful appeal, prepare relevant communication screenshots or other records as evidence, especially those that prove your account activities complied with the rules.


Proof of Account Activity and Statement of Compliance

Provide additional proof that your account is used normally, such as regular group interactions, routine interactions with friends, etc. You can also include a statement acknowledging your understanding of Telegram's Community Guidelines and Terms of Service.


Methods to Unban Your Telegram Account

Email Appeal

Use any email (doesn't have to be the one associated with the banned account) and send a message to one of the following addresses: ① ② ③ with the following content:

Email Subject: Request for Telegram Account Unblocking, Banned phone number: +Country Code xxx xxx xxxx

Dear Telegram Support Team,

I was surprised to find my Telegram account ([Your Telegram Username or Phone Number]) blocked. I have always adhered to the Telegram Terms of Service and believe this block to be a mistake.

I respectfully request that my account's status be reviewed, and I would appreciate any instructions on how to resolve this issue. I am ready to provide any further information needed to facilitate the unblocking process.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

App version: 8.7.4 (26367)
OS version: SDK 30
Device Name: Android

Best regards, [Your Full Name]

Fill in the blue parts according to your specific situation.


Things to Note

  1. Remember to include the country code when writing your phone number, +86 for China.

  2. If your account wasn't severely violating the rules, it should be possible to log in to Telegram normally within 1-7 days after sending the email. Telegram's customer service team is small, so patience is key.

  3. Provide as much detail as possible in your email about your account and the materials mentioned above to help customer service identify and resolve the issue quickly.


Appeal on the Official Support Website

Open the Telegram official support site on your phone or computer browser:

Fill in the details of your issue, your email, and your phone number as per the official requirements. Don't forget the country code!

Appeal to the Official Bot (Only if Reported for Spam)

If your account was banned due to being reported for spamming, you could try contacting the Telegram bot @SpamBot.

This is under the assumption that you were not mass messaging but were mistakenly flagged. Otherwise, success in the appeal is not guaranteed.


Message the Official Twitter

Open Telegram's official Twitter, and send a private message using the template mentioned above.


How to Reduce the Risk of Being Reported

What behaviors might lead to a Telegram account ban?

These include, but are not limited to, sending spam, spreading malware, posting illegal content, harassing other users, and abusing automation tools (like bots). Any action that violates Telegram's Terms of Service and Community Guidelines could result in an account ban.


How to minimize the chance of being reported by users?

Firstly, ensure the quality of the content; avoid posting too much pure marketing or hard-sell information, which can cause discomfort.

Set up an "Unsubscribe Button" by linking your Telegram account to SaleSmartly. Follow the setup in the automation flow as shown below.


Trigger: Visitor sends a message - Exact match - Enter the keyword for unsubscribing (e.g., stop)

Add Visitor Tag: Choose a tag name, visible only to company employees, not displayed to customers.


In your next mass Telegram message, include a note at the end saying, "If you don't want to receive these messages, please reply with stop." The system will then categorize these users under the unsubscribe tag.


When sending out mass messages next time, remember to filter your audience.

Select "Advanced Filter" - "Visitor Tag" - "Value Does Not Contain" - "Unsubscribe"

After setting this up, messages will no longer be sent to customers who have unsubscribed.

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Last modified: 2024-05-09Powered by