Click to WhatsApp advertising: The Secret of improving business interaction and transformation

Author: Sicily Choi

Click to WhatsAppIs an interactive Facebook advertisement, through guidanceFacebookUsers click on advertisements to directly talk to them on the WhatsApp. Compared with traditional advertising forms, Click to WhatsApp advertising aims at establishing instant one-to-one communication, enabling enterprises to provide customer service support and promoting the transformation of potential customers.


In this way, enterprises can quickly collect valuable customer information and lay a solid foundation for subsequent marketing activities. The main advantage of this type of advertisement is that it has a high degree of user participation and Transformation Potential, and it is a necessary advertising skill for enterprises to do private domain operation.


Why?Click to WhatsApp

Click to WhatsApp advertising is a good way to attract customers to private domains, because they provide a channel to directly establish contact with the target audience. Private Domain operation refers to building and managing customer relationships on its own platforms or channels, and Click to WhatsApp advertising is a tool that can bring public domain traffic such as Facebook and Instagram to private domain.

Enhance customer relationships

Click to WhatsApp advertising allows brands to directly communicate with customers through WhatsApp and quickly establish closer customer relationships.

Increase Conversion Rate

In private domain operation, the convenience of reply is especially important for the final conversion rate. By Click to WhatsApp advertisements, enterprises can quickly respond to customers' questions, thus improving the possibility of potential customers turning into actual buyers.

Collect customer data

Click to WhatsApp advertising provides channels for collecting customer information and feedback, and enterprises can use these data to optimize advertising strategies and product services in the future.

Increase brand exposure

After advertising, brands can increase their exposure on Facebook, Instagram platforms. ExamplesAdvertising Section:

  • News source (News Feed): The main information flow of users, including News sources on mobile devices and desktop devices.
  • Sidebar (Sidebar): The advertising bar on the right side of the Facebook page that is visible only on the desktop view.
  • Instagram: Facebook Click to Messenger advertisements can also be displayed on the Instagram, using Instagram user base for cross-platform marketing.
  • Facebook Marketplace: The area where users buy and sell commodities. Advertisements can appear in the commodity list.
  • Facebook Video (In-Stream Video): a short ad insertion In Facebook Video content playback.
  • Facebook Stories: Similar to Instagram Stories, users can see short content on the full screen.
  • Messenger Inbox: The ads that users can see when viewing the message list in the Messenger application.
  • Messenger Stories: in Messenger, users can see short Stories with functions similar to Facebook and Instagram Stories.

All the plates are shown in the following figure:


Compared with other marketing channels, Click to WhatsApp advertisements usually provide higher ROI because they can accurately locate interested customers. In private domain operations, this cost-effectiveness means that marketing budgets can be used more efficiently.


Preparation for creating Click to WhatsApp

ActivateWhatsApp business number

Meta does not allow the use of WhatsApp personal accounts to advertise, so we need to activate the Ads Manager account before creating a Click to WhatsApp in the WhatsApp Business.

WhatsApp Business号It is for small and medium-sized enterprises and is mainly used for commercial purposes such as communicating with customers, providing services and displaying products. WhatsApp Business has added some tools to help merchants, such as setting automatic keyword reply, setting tags for customers, and creating Business data.


For those enterprises that have not WhatsApp a business number or want to access more advanced functions through API, Salesmartly provides a convenientRental number service. It can help enterprises quickly obtain a compliant WhatsApp business account or access through API, seamlessly combining Facebook advertising with WhatsApp, improving customer interaction efficiency and accelerating sales cycle.



Associate WhatsApp business numberFacebook

Next, bind the WhatsApp business number to the Facebook page. If you are using WhatsApp business number, follow these steps:

  • Open the Facebook page and click settings ".
  • In the left-side menu, select WhatsApp ".
  • Enter your WhatsApp business phone number and click continue ".
  • Enter the verification code and click OK ".


If you are using WhatsApp business API number, you need to apply to associate Facebook page with your WABA phone number:

  • Open the Facebook page and click settings ".
  • In the left-side menu, select WhatsApp ".
  • Enter your WABA phone number and click continue ".




HowSettingsClick to WhatsApp

Before setting up Click to WhatsApp ads, make sure that you have the administrator permission to Facebook the home page. Then openMeta ad management tool, follow these steps:

Note: Conversion optimization is unavailable in some EU countries/regions, Japan and South Korea.


1. Click the green button [create]]


2. Select [interaction] as the advertising target


3. Select [recommend settings] or [manual settings]]

[Recommend settings]: Use the preset advertisement optimization settings.

[Manual settings]: create from scratch according to your needs


4. Set the following ad parameters:

  • Conversion location
  • Ad Type
  • Target location of the chat (to select your WhatsApp account, you need to associate WhatsApp account with Facebook public homepage in advance)
  • Effectiveness objectives
  • Budget and schedule
  • Audience control options
  • Audience/layout optimization


5. Select [create advertisement] or directly use existing posts for promotion


6. If you choose to create an advertisement, you need to upload the advertisement material. Different layouts have different size requirements and can be designed according to the layout requirements. Mainly the following three sizes:


7. After clicking [publish], add the payment information, tax payment method and payment method of the advertisement fee, and then the advertisement fee can be published successfully.


8. In the future, all associated WhatsApp accounts can be integrated into the SaleSmartly backstage, and customers brought by Click to WhatsApp advertisements can be responded through a centralized backstage to avoid information asymmetry and long reply time caused by multiple accounts.

Customers from Click to WhatsApp advertisements will indicate in [customer information]


Facebook all advertisements are strictly evaluated to ensure that they meetMeta criteria. Advertisers must avoid publicizing the commodities prohibited by these policies, because non-compliance with the regulations will lead to the suspension of advertising.


OptimizationClick to WhatsApp

Use automated reply

InSaleSmartlyThe WhatsApp is set to automatically send a welcome message or a quick reply. After the user clicks on the advertisement to enter the WhatsApp page, the user can receive the reply immediately, effectively improving the response speed and user satisfaction.

Clear call for action

Include clear call to action (CTA) in advertisements, such as "send messages immediately" or "start dialogue", to encourage users to take action.

Continuous testing and optimization

Regularly conduct A/B tests to try different advertising elements, such as pictures, copywriting and target audiences, to find out the best combination and continuously optimize the advertising effect.


Common problem

How to ensure that the target audience of Click to WhatsApp advertisements are positioned accurately?

Expand your potential customer base by analyzing existing customer data and creating similar audience (Lookalike Audiences). At the same time, use Facebook detailed positioning options, including geographic location, interest, behavior, and demographic characteristics, to refine your target audience.


How should the conversion tracking of Click to WhatsApp advertisements be set?

Facebook Pixel and event tracking are used to monitor users' actions after clicking advertisements, ensuring that you can track the complete user journey from advertisement clicking to final conversion. In addition, make sure that WhatsApp business account is correctly linked to the Facebook advertising account to track conversations and conversion events.


How to measure the ROI of Click to WhatsApp advertisements?

Calculate the relationship between advertising expenditure and income generated by Click to WhatsApp advertising. Analyze cost and revenue data, including ad click cost (CPC), cost per conversation, conversion rate, and average value of each transaction.


How to ensure the privacy compliance of Click to WhatsApp advertisements?

Comply with all relevant data protection regulations, such as GDPR or privacy laws in other regions. Make sure that the user is clearly informed of how the data is processed before the user starts to interact with the brand. In addition, privacy policies related to WhatsApp communications are regularly reviewed to ensure compliance with the latest compliance requirements.

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Last modified: 2024-05-09Powered by