In recent years, the Telegram platform has attracted the attention of many cross-border e-commerce sellers with its wide international user base and privacy protection features. They hope to expand the market through Telegram and communicate with more overseas users. However, when many sellers took the first step - registering an account, they encountered an unexpected obstacle: they could not receive the verification code from Telegram. In order to solve this problem, this article will introduce the various possible reasons for the failure to receive the verification code and a series of targeted solutions, hoping to help cross-border sellers successfully complete the Telegram registration.
Reasons why mainland mobile phone numbers cannot receive verification codes
For users with +86 mobile phone numbers in mainland China, the problem of not receiving Telegram verification codes is particularly common. This is mainly due to the following reasons:
Carrier restrictions
Mobile operators in mainland China have certain restrictions on international SMS services. These measures may include screening of international signaling codes, automatic review of SMS content, and possible SMS interception. Therefore, even if Telegram sends a verification code, these SMS messages may be blocked by operators before reaching the user's phone.
Number blocking
In order to prevent abuse, the Telegram system has certain restrictions on multiple logins and logouts within a short period of time and repeated verification code requests. If a user requests to send a verification code multiple times in a short period of time, the system may temporarily blacklist the mobile phone number and prevent further verification code sending.
Network Issues
The quality of the network connection of the user's mobile phone directly affects the reception of SMS. The mainland has strict management of the Internet and restricts access to some international Internet services. Although Telegram is not directly blocked, the relevant policies may affect the flow of cross-border data, thereby indirectly affecting the sending and receiving of verification code SMS.
Application Problems
If the user's Telegram app version is too old, it may not be compatible with the latest service agreement or the app itself has defects, which may result in the inability to receive the verification code. Regularly updating the Telegram app to the latest version can ensure the stability and compatibility of the software.
Solution to Telegram not receiving verification code
Register with a different mobile number
The most direct way is to try to register with another mobile phone number. The receipt of the verification code is very random, especially for users in mainland China, even if the mobile phone numbers all start with +86 and are in the same network environment. Some users receive the verification code very quickly, but some people can never receive it. This phenomenon may occur under the same network conditions. So if you have multiple mobile phone numbers on hand, you might as well switch to another one to try to receive the verification code.
Use phone verification
If you initially tried only SMS verification, we recommend trying phone verification.
If you do not receive a call after trying phone verification, you need to confirm that your phone can receive international calls. There are usually three reasons why you cannot receive a call:
(1) Your phone may have an automatic blocking app installed, which may have mistakenly blocked Telegram's international verification calls as spam or fraudulent calls.
(2) The mobile number may not be able to receive international calls.
(3) Some operators may restrict international calls based on different regions and time periods, so you may try a few more times.
Completed through the code receiving platform
Through the code receiving platform , users can rent virtual mobile phone numbers to receive verification codes from different websites. This method is an effective solution to the problem that domestic users cannot receive Telegram verification codes.
The operation process is as follows:
1. Choose a reputable online SMS verification code receiving platform.
2. Register an account on the selected platform and deposit funds to use the service.
3. Select the country and carrier you want and get a virtual mobile number.
4. Enter the virtual mobile number you obtained in the Telegram registration interface, and Telegram will then send a verification code to that number.
Contact Telegram official customer service
If the above methods do not work, please wait patiently. It may be due to system problems. If it is still not resolved after a few days, please contact Telegram official customer service.
Contact Template:
Dear Telegram Support,
I am facing issues receiving the verification code to access my Telegram account. Here are my details and the measures I've already taken:
Phone: [Your Full Phone Number with Country Code] Device: [Your Device Model] Issue: Verification code not received via SMS or call. I have verified my phone number, checked network accessibility, and confirmed there are no blocks on international calls/SMS. Despite repeated attempts, the code has not been sent.
Your assistance in resolving this matter is crucial for my continued use of Telegram.
Thank you,
[Your Full Name]
Frequently asked questions
How to avoid frequently logging into different accounts when operating Telegram with multiple accounts ?
When managing multiple Telegram accounts, Telegram may involve frequent switching of accounts, and this process usually requires repeated receipt and input of verification codes to complete the login. In order to avoid this cumbersome operation that may cause security issues, all Telegram accounts can be integrated into the SaleSmartly platform. Such integration not only greatly reduces the security risks that may be caused by repeated logins and logouts, but it can also synchronize information from multiple accounts, ensuring that users can seamlessly manage and receive messages from all Telegram accounts. Users can improve efficiency and enhance the security of their accounts, and enjoy convenient centralized management.
Why can I receive the verification code from Telegram via phone call but not via SMS?
If the verification code from Telegram can be received via phone call, but not via SMS, this may indicate a specific SMS reception issue with the user's phone or carrier. It could be a configuration issue with the SMS Center (SMSC), or the carrier is restricting SMS from Telegram. The user should check the SMS settings on their phone and contact their carrier to confirm the status of the SMS service.
What is the solution for temporary blocking caused by frequent requests for Telegram verification codes?
If a user's Telegram account is temporarily blocked due to frequent verification code requests, it is recommended to wait for a while. Usually, this blockage will be automatically lifted within a few hours to a day. During this period, avoid repeated attempts to send verification code requests. If the blockage lasts for a long time, users can try to contact customer service through Telegram's official support channels for help.
Further reading
- Telegram group creation and cleaning strategies: Help you achieve higher conversion rates (
- Telegram traffic diversion link: Efficiently distribute user traffic of Telegram Bot (
- Telegram channel full analysis: Find more industry resources (
- The best guide on how to search and join Telegram groups: help you quickly join any chat room (