A must-read for cross-border sellers! Teach you how to create an Instagram account from 0 to 1

Author: Sicily Choi

Instagram is an application used by hundreds of millions of people around the world to share their daily lives, promote brands, and build social connections. Whether it is an individual user who wants to build a self-media account or a company that wants to conduct marketing, Instagram is a great platform. This article will tell you how to build an attractive Instagram account from scratch, step by step, to enhance your personal brand or effectively market your products. We will cover initial preparation, account setup, content production, interactive growth, and how to analyze and adjust strategies to maintain continuous growth.


Preliminary preparations for setting up an Instagram account

Set goals and objectives for your account

Determine the core goal of the account. Is it mainly for personal brand building? Business or product marketing? Social network expansion?

Clarifying the purpose of building this Instagram account can help us make more targeted decisions in subsequent steps.


Research your target audience

Analyze the demographics of potential followers, such as age, gender, and location. Gain insights into their interests and behavioral patterns on Instagram. This data can help us craft content that resonates.


Analyze competitor accounts

Observe the strategies of other successful accounts in the industry, including their content style, interaction methods, and the hashtags they use . Analyze the reasons for their success and incorporate these elements into your own content.



Create an Instagram account

Sign up for Instagram

Download the Instagram app on your phone or visit the Instagram website . Follow the system prompts to fill in the registration information, including mobile phone number or email address, name, username and password. After adding the information, confirm the account verification via SMS or email.


Choose a username and avatar

Choose a username that is easily recognizable and related to your brand or personal identity.

For personal accounts , a photo of yourself is best.

For brand accounts , use your company logo or relevant imagery.


Complete personal information

Try to describe yourself or your brand in a concise and engaging way. You can also add contact information and a website link to your profile to ensure that potential customers and fans can contact you directly.


Developing an Instagram content strategy

Multiple content formats are operated simultaneously

Instagram has a variety of content formats, such as pictures, videos, Reels, Instagram stories or live broadcasts. We don’t need to pursue vertical content formats like operating domestic social media platforms. Multi-format synchronous operations are more popular on Instagram.


Create a content plan

Set a realistic publishing frequency and try to post content as actively as possible to stay active.


Content Creation

Master basic shooting and editing techniques to improve the quality of visual content. Write attractive copy to tell stories or convey information with visual content.


Maintain brand consistency

Keep your brand message consistent so that all content you publish conveys the same values and brand story.


Interaction and fan growth strategies

Set up automatic replies

Use SaleSmartly to create Instagram auto-replies with standardized welcome messages or answers to common questions. Ensure that customers can get immediate responses when they ask questions even when the customer service team is not online, without worrying about losing customers due to untimely responses.


Promote fan interaction

You can actively reply to comments and private messages to interact with fans and get closer to them. And regularly hold some interactive activities, such as voting and challenges, to increase fan engagement.


Collaborate with other brands/ KOLs

Collaborate with other Instagram users or brands to expand your audience base by promoting each other. Or find some KOLs to market to increase exposure through their influence and follower base.


Use Hashtags Effectively

Conduct hashtag research to find out popular and targeted tags related to your brand or content. When you post content, add relevant hashtags to it to help potential customers better find the content and attract new followers.


Monitor data and adjust strategy

Using monitoring and analysis tools

Instagram Insights , a built-in analysis tool on Instagram , can help users better understand their followers and post performance. Through this tool, users can view detailed data such as follower growth, post interaction rate, and best posting time to better understand the preferences of the target audience.


Monitor key metrics

Regularly review your content performance to understand which types of posts generate the most interactions and engagement. Observe follower growth trends , identify potential peaks and valleys, and explore the reasons behind them.


Strategy Adjustment

Optimize your content strategy based on different data results, such as adjusting the frequency of posting or trying new content formats. If analysis shows that certain post types are more popular than others, consider increasing the proportion of such content. If data shows that content posted at a specific time has a higher interaction rate, you can post more content during these peak hours. Continuously improve your content strategy through a data-driven approach.




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Last modified: 2024-05-30Powered by